Employee’s personal determinants of fitting the job characteristics


  • Karolina Oleksa Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu




job satisfaction, work specification, five-factor model, neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness


Aim: Over the last twenty years there have been numerous studies showing significant relationships between personality dimensions and predisposition to doing a job of a specific character. The aim of this research is to examine the relationships between personality, job characteristics and perceived job satisfaction with a view to demonstrate the rationale behind the application of personality tests as the tool for predicting the employee’s fitting the job specification in the recruitment process.
Design / Research methods: In order to verify the selected relationships, a quantitative study on a group of Polish workers (N = 302) was carried out. It correlated five personality dimensions (tested by the NEO-FFI questionnaire) with the level of employee’s satisfaction and the work characteristics (questionnaires made by the author were used).The satisfaction level was determined based on employees’ job assessment and professional career development, while the character of the job was examined according to seven scales: individual vs. team work, complexity of tasks, application of new technologies, procedures, customer contact, influence on customer’s emotions, dependence on supervisor.
Conclusions / findings: The results of the analyses showed that each personality dimension was significantly different for respondents satisfied with their performance of work of a particular nature. This can confirm the use of personality tests in the recruitment process; however, some factors need to be taken into account, including, among others, organizational environment or specific job demands.
Originality / value of the article: The article is an attempt to link comprehensively different studies focusing on the association between personality and the type of work performed, with this objective being expanded by adding a moderate variable - job satisfaction, which allows one to determine the extent to which the type of work fits a particular dimension of personality.
Implications of the research: The implicational value pertains to recruitment and selection processes, justifying the validity of the personality test application in recruitment processes. Limitations of the research: In the future, it would be useful to enlarge the group examined in order to be able to generalize the results and add other moderate variables, such as, for example, organizational demands shaping the character of work.


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