The concept of HR business partner in a project- oriented organization


  • Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej Wroclaw University of Economics



project management, project-oriented organization, HR department, HR business partner


Aim: The paper seeks to supplement the theory of HR business partnering by presenting the concept of the role of HR business partner in project-oriented organizations. To this end, the intermediate stages of the study encompass the discussion how the role of HR department as a business partner is being formulated against other roles, and the description of the current role of HR experts in the organizations
Design / Research methods: The research process employed the literature research and author’s own study carried out over 2014-2015 in project-oriented organizations.
Conclusions / findings: The role of business partner is present in 10% of the examined enterprises, with the source of capital and the entity size being of minor importance. Projects play a key role in the development of contemporary undertakings. Moreover, the primary role in terms of the implementation of any organizational activities is exercised by people. Thus, the opportunity emerges to implement and modify the concept of HR business partnering. This will lead to a greater professionalization of staffing, which will ultimately affect positively the implementation of strategy of the organizations under discussion.
Originality / value of the article: The publications on project management as well as those concerned with human resources management have so far not addressed the issue of the development of the HR business partner role in the organizations under discussion. The considerations, of both theoretical and practical nature, contribute to the theory of management, being much relevant owing to the ever growing popularity of the concept of management through projects.
Implications of the research: project management, project-oriented organization, HR department, HR business partner

Author Biography

Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej, Wroclaw University of Economics

Dr hab., Katedra Pracy i Kapitału


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