The internet and communication technologies in view of various typologies of generations
internet technologies, internet communication, generation X, generation Y, generation Z, generation C, L, Google barometerAbstract
The principal background for considerations over changes to generations of communication technologies users is provided by a dynamic development of the internet and Web 2.0 in view of accessibility of information in the information process- both in terms of gathering and generating information. Contemporary behaviour constitutes evolution of users’ behaviour resulting from the access to the internet and virtual social bonds in the internet space. The knowledge on forms and directions of activities of contemporary generations of communication technologies users and factors determining their activities constitutes the basis for deliberations included in this elaboration. According to G. Zaltman without an in-depth understanding of the generations using information technology one cannot define an action strategy of enterprises in the market and influence their behaviour (G. Zaltman 2008: p.52-53). This paper aims to present and evaluate various typologies of generations of internet and communication technologies users in view of various typologies of generations.References
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