Altruism and rivalization as decision-making styles of households and their role In the purchasing process


  • Dariusz Fatuła Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
  • Adam Sagan Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie



household, consumer behaviour, saving, investing


The paper discusses decision-making styles and buying roles played by family members in the purchasing process. Two basic decision-making styles have been distinguished: 1/ altruistic-cooperative and competitive and five buying roles in the buying process (an initiator, an informant, an advisor, a decision-maker and a buyer). The analysis of decision-making styles with respect to buying roles includes three groups of goods (convenience goods, durables and savings/investment instruments). General and multi-group structural equation models have been used to test the moderation effect of the product class on the relationship between decision-making style and buying roles. The results suggest a more active role of women in the process of purchasing and a relatively stronger influence of competitive decision-making style and the role of initiator when it comes to convenience goods. As far as durables and saving/investment are concerned, the role of decision-maker among females has a stronger relation with respect to the altruistic style of decision making.


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