Feasibility and potential of renewable and non-renewable energy investments in Tanzania
https://doi.org/10.29015/cerem.941Słowa kluczowe:
Renewable Energy, Non-Renewable Energy, Investments, Tanzania.Abstrakt
Aim: In the context of renewable and non-renewable energy, this paper aims to explore a range of renewable energy resources in Tanzania that are primarily expected to play a leading role in the supply of energy services in the country. Tanzania, like other countries in the world is striving to invest in renewable energy for sustainable development goals accomplishment.
Research methods: The data used for analysis was collected from 45 businesses/organizations which are operating in the energy sector within the United Republic of Tanzania. The reason was to find out stakeholder’s response towards investment in the energy sector. We used purposive sampling to select our sample and asked the stakeholders to fill in the short questionnaire.
Findings: This paper found that there are several opportunities toward investments in renewable energy such as hydropower and geothermal energy; however, an investment in gas as a non-renewable energy source is a good option for Tanzanians.
Value of the paper: This study concludes that Tanzania is facing several challenges on the implementation of energy investments such as institutional, regulatory and legal, lack of human capital as well as economic and financial problems.
Limitations: We have not compared the practices of Tanzania with other countries especially those within sub Saharan African.
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