Adjusting the employee management process to key organisational values


  • Agnieszka Marek Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


Słowa kluczowe:

key organizational values, employee management, management by values


Aim: The paper is aimed at highlighting the growing importance of values in both management theory and practice with a focus on aligning employee management practices with the key values in organisations which practise Management by Values (MBV).


Design / Research methods:  Critical literature review and analysis of results of accessible empirical research.


Conclusions / findings: Management by Values can only yield effects if it is applied in all sections of the firm with employees taking up actions in line with the shared organizational values. That is why it is crucial to reflect the core values in recruitment and selection of employees, as well as training, motivation or work productivity assessment. The analysis of the literature revealed the need for more in-depth research on the links between staff policy and management by values, especially in management practices.


Originality / value of the paper: The paper is aimed at managers who implement MBV in their organisations as well as scholars focusing on the subject of values in management. What is more, it synthesizes different outlooks on MBV and embeds this concept in realities of Polish companies.


Limitations of the research: The literature review and analysis of the results of empirical research conducted in Polish companies indicate the growing importance of values in management practice and the necessity of constructing specific tools that would enable leaders to operationalize key values and use some indicators to assess present and potential employees in the terms of their respect for the organization’s shared values.


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