A fragility approach to campus sustainability – methodological explorations


  • Johannes Platje WSB University in Wrocław




Q01, B40, I23


Aim: Often, the approach towards entering a path of sustainable development is that intervention needs to take place. This may lead to unwanted side effects. This paper presents the basis for explorative research on campus sustainability. The aim is to create a basis for developing a methodology for identifying fragilities, threats to organizational viability and sustainable development of the external environment.


Design / Research methods: The ideas presented in this paper were developed through literature study and discussed during three explorative research workshops organized in May and June 2016 at the WSB University in Wrocław (Poland), the University of Sonora (Hermosillo, Mexico) and Siauliai University (Lithuania). The ideas developed are the basis for future research on the issue.


Conclusions / findings: Although more elements are included in the survey, representing elements of organizational viability and mental models directing the path of change. The survey presented and discussed in reflection papers in this volume will be the base for further research on how to improve campus sustainability by eliminating unsustainabilities.


Originality / value of the article: While the traditional approach towards campus sustainability is what action should be undertaken in order to support this aim, in this paper focus is on what not to do. It can be expected that this approach leads to less undesired side-effects than an interventionist approach.


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