The development of the concept of supply chain management as an example of the evolution of logistics
logistics, supply chain, supply chain management, evolution of logisticsAbstract
The global economy is undergoing faster and faster transformations. Certainly, logistics belongs to one of the most rapidly changing areas, including supply chain management. A modern and perspective supply chain is becoming more and more integrated, works under time pressure and carries out tasks on ever greater distances so that the delivery was made in accordance with the expectations of the customer. To achieve the goal, it uses the latest technology advances and the latest technologies. The knowledge of the latest and prospective concepts and solutions and their correct implementation to support activities within the supply chain becomes one of the essential elements of gaining success in current and future market conditions. The ability to see contemporary needs as well as conditions for implementation of logistic activities, building organizational culture focused on innovativeness, changes in how to approach and resolve problems essential for the functioning of supply chain creates the prospect of achieving a market success on a much broader basis than just using the experience of the know-how of the competition. The essential challenges facing not only supply chain but the whole logistics are: reconfiguration, integration and optimisation of whole logistics network, changes in the location of its components, transport planning in terms of tactical and operational levels, and inventory management. The reorganisation of the logistics and the supply chain is connected with a concept of "value chain", which was created in recent years, and which accounts for a strategic set of instruments to achieve competitive advantage. This article is devoted to all those problems, the abilities to see them in present and future challenges and use them to build modern supply chain, adequate for current needs and requirements.References
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