The concept of preventing negative consequences of work overload based on positive interactions between work and life, and promotion of workers’ healthy behaviors
work overload, worker well-being, work-life balance, healthy behaviors, workplace health promotion, workplace health program, enterprises, corporate wellnessAbstract
Aim: The main aim of this article is to identify negative health consequences resulting from work overload and lack of work-life balance, as well as to present characteristics of positive healthy behaviors in the workplace as counteracting strategies. The paper is a part of the discussion on the concept of corporate wellness which forms the basis for the development of organization’s health culture.
Design / Research methods: The paper is based on a review of literature concerned with the factors influencing worker welfare. Moreover, it presents two case studies on comprehensive health programs implemented by Mars Poland and the Belgian branch of Protect & Gamble.
Conclusions / findings: Based on the review of foreign and domestic literature, the authors propose a model describing the relationship between individual variables impacting worker welfare. In this model, it is assumed that the interaction between work and life, and workers’ healthy behaviors such as physical activity and rest after work (sleep) are crucial to workers’ regeneration.
Originality / value of the article: The value of the paper lies in the interdisciplinary approach to the development of worker well-being. Apart from the perspective of human resources management, the outlined concept also takes into account the issues relating to workers’ mental and physical health.
Implications of the research: The theoretical assumptions presented in the paper will become a starting point for a research project to be conducted on Polish enterprises. Its objective will be to identify the possibilities of counteracting the negative effects of workload congestion through the promotion of healthy behaviors in the workplace and support of workers in their creation of a positive work-life interaction.
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