The importance of cultural differences in international business


  • Marzena Adamczyk WSB Uniwersity in Wroclaw



Culture, cultural differences, international business, intercultural communication, intercultural competence


Aim: The aim of this study is to systematize the knowledge on the characteristics and classification of cultures, which will allow national representatives to be assigned to their respective types of cultures, and to present the characteristics of selected countries in some business areas.
Design / Research Method: The applied research method is the analysis of the literature in the field of cross-cultural determinants of business and the description of the findings observed and analyzed in the
process of deductive conclusions.
Conclusions / findings: The main conclusion of the research is confirming the view that cultural differences in today's global economy can significantly affect the business in an international context. In order to eliminate or actually to minimize the cultural factor of entrepreneurs, those operating on the international market should diagnose the culture of the country with which they will enter into business relationships and they should develop strategies in different markets taking into account the diagnosis made.
Originality / value of the paper: The paper is a voice in the scientific discussion on the impact of cultural differences on international business; it can provide guidance and inspiration for entrepreneurs, helping them to understand the complexity of the issue, and for students interested in cultural diversity and its impact on business. The paper comprehensively connects the characteristics of national cultures with different areas of international business and shows the relationship and complexity of the issue. Such a presentation of the problem shows how important it is to know these differences for proper management of the company.
Implications of the research: This paper focuses on the overall functioning of the company on the international market and discusses the cultural differences associated with the negotiation process. It may be the beginning of further research related to cross-cultural communication and management of transnational corporations and international marketing.


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