Managing age diversity in the workplace – a challenge for contemporary organizations and managers


  • Marta Elżbieta Nowacka Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Wydział Pedagogiczny, Zakład Doradztwa Zawodowego



manager, generation, intergenerational relations, age diversity.


Aim: Considering the progressing demographic changes triggering ever larger generation diversity of today’s organizations, the paper aims at identifying: how do intergenerational relations develop in the workplace and what is the manager’s role in the process of the organization of work and atmosphere creation in an age diverse staff?
Design / Research methods: An analysis of the secondary research (Polish and foreign) on inter- generational relations in the workplace was carried out. Also, findings made on the basis of the author’s own research are presented: quantitative studies (a survey carried out among 103 students of the University of the Third Age at Częstochowa University of Technology and 100 students of Częstochowa University of Technology), and qualitative studies (focus groups comprising students and in-depth interviews conducted among 3 of the UTA students and 2 members of Alumni Association of Częstochowa University of Technology)
Conclusions / findings: On the basis of the research analysis, the problem of intergenerational isolation between different generations was revealed and also a lack of common ground which affects the creation of work atmosphere and the organization of work and which arises, among other things, from stereotypical thinking, prejudice, fear, lack of knowledge. The possibility of a cross-generational cooperation is not determined by the actually existing differences in terms of values, motivation or the expectations of representatives of the different generations (which would render the cooperation and the priorities alignment impossible). Thus, it is feasible to build a productive cooperation within intergenerational staff, with managers playing a significant role in this process. In the first place, they should ensure an appropriate atmosphere in an age-diverse staff. To ensure that each employee feels respected and treated equally (in this context the manager’s attitude is important). In organizing work for their employees, managers should seek to create chances and opportunities of mutual cooperation among people of different ages, so as not to deepen intergenerational isolation, and instead create opportunities of getting to know one other. This, in turn, can contribute to fewer prejudices and stereotypes which tend to arise from not knowing the other person well enough. An element of specific integration could be encouraging employees to fulfill the organization’s goals by commonly striving for them.

Originality / value of the article: The research analysis was employed to determine the factors which may have impact on the creation of intergenerational relations in a workplace, with this providing the basis for defining the manager’s role.
Implications of the research: The identification of factors impacting the creation of relations in the workplace allowed for specific recommendations and guidelines for managers to be formulated which may be useful in creating proper relations in age-diverse organizations in Poland.


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