recreation, service safety, riskAbstract
The search for increasingly exciting forms of leisure activities generates a new demand. The emerging needs of society are met by enterprises offering services associated with extreme forms of physical activity, often referred to as high risk sports or activities. Consequently, new risks emerge, often deliberately included in various offers associated with physical activity. Risk can be attractive, because it makes it possible to satisfy the customers’ need for unusual emotions and untypical forms of entertainment. Customers may be motivated to turn to such forms, seeking new, intense emotional experiences associated with risky actions. Such activities require courage and generate strong emotions accompanying any risk. Risk is the dominant feature of extreme forms of physical activity. Are the attractions on the offer safe? Is such place safe for people engaging in such leisure activities?
In this context it is worth examining the recreational services provided with regard to customer’s safety management. In the present study the author analyses the issues of risk identification and risk assessment in recreational services, education for safety and emotive attractiveness of risks in recreational services.References
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