
  • Karolina Podciechowska Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Katedra Rekreacji, Zakład Tańca i Fitnessu
  • Aleksandra Karpińska Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Katedra Rekreacji, Zakład Tańca i Fitnessu
  • Karolina Sikorska Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Katedra Rekreacji, Zakład Tańca i Fitnessu



fitness, body & mind, relaxation, physical and mental benefits


In today's world dominated by stressful work and hectic lifestyle, the classes that enjoy increasing popularity are not only the classic aerobics classes, but also relaxation exercises combining elements of stretching, strengthening and unwinding known as Body and Mind. Exercises of this type are designed to combine the work of the mind with the body. Music used in these classes is calmer than in the other fitness classes, and allows the participant to focus more on exercise and calming down the body.

The aim of the study was an attempt to show physical and psychological benefits arising from participation in body & mind classes. A method of diagnostic survey, the questionnaire technique was used. After analyzing the respondents’ replies the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Body & Mind includes the following forms of classes: Pilates, BodyArt®, healthy spine, yoga, stretching. The respondents also pointed incorrectly: TBC (Total Body Conditioning), ABT (Abdominal, Buttocks, Thighs ) or Pump. 2. Body & Mind classes are directed to everybody, both the elderly and the young, to those who have health problems and those who attend the classes prophylactically. 3. According to the respondents, the most important reasons for the participation in Body & Mind classes were: elimination of back/spine pains and improving the flexibility of the body. Other important factors include working out a slim silhouette as well as relaxation and rest. 4. Respondents mentioned a number of benefits, both physical and mental, arising from participation in this form. The most frequently, however, they pointed out: the reduction of back pains, better feeling of their own body and greater muscle strength. The mental benefits included: improving the well-being and mood enhancement, reducing fatigue and relieving tension and stress.


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„Trainer” nr 2/2012, Health and Beauty Media. (23.08.2014). (16.04.2014).


