Protected areas vs. regional development based on the example of Poland


  • Alina Kulczyk-Dynowska Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu



Regional development, Regional data, Natural resources, Sustainability


The paper presents an attempt to prove that covering a certain area by the forms of nature protection does not mean halting the processes occurring in it and responsible for its socio-economic development. This is very important, because in spite of technical and civilization progress manifested by changes in transport, logistics, innovations in communication processes and other factors depreciating the importance of localization for production processes, natural resources – as an endogenous factor – still play the significant role in regional development.

The paper offers the characteristics of regional development mechanisms, the idea of sustainable development, the analysis of legislation referring to nature conservation in force in Poland in the period 1934-2013 and regional studies covering the years 2004-2012. As the result of conducted analyses the thesis regarding the negative impact of the area forms of nature protection on regional development should be rejected.


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