Application of Kano questionnaire to assess the level of teaching staff’s quality from the student's point of view


  • Anna Szeliga-Kowalczyk WSB Wrocław
  • Mirosława Szewczyk Politechnika Opolska, Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania



Kano method, quality, student, satisfaction, lecturer


Aim: The aim of the paper is to present the possibility of using Kano method by a student to assess teaching staff's quality level.

Design / Research methods: The research method encompassed the analysis of the subject-specific literature and the authors’ own research employing Kano questionnaire. The survey was carried out in November 2016. The lecturer characteristics from the student's point of view have been diagnosed, including their prioritization, which allowed for determining the teaching staff's quality level and student satisfaction with lecturers. The qualities requiring further development were indicated.

Conclusions / findings: The study shows that university authorities should primarily provide lecturers with good theoretical knowledge and capable of defining clearly the student's obligations.

Originality / value of the article: The authors recommend that higher education institutions use Kano questionnaire instead of traditional surveys for evaluation of teaching staff by students.

Implications of the research: Kano questionnaire can be applied in a variety of branches and can relate to various products and services, with the aim to point to their qualitative characteristics which should be developed in particular and those which are immaterial to the customer.

Limitations of the research (if applicable): The selection of elements for the sample was of a non-random character. Because of the subject matter dealt with by the authors in this paper, as well as due to limitations of space, only some of the results obtained were presented – the evaluation of lecturers. The survey also included other categories which – in the students’ opinions – are decisive regarding the quality of educational service, such as: organization of study courses, seminar timetable, facilitations, and infrastructure.

Key words: Kano method, quality, student, satisfaction, lecturer
JEL: L8, L83, L15


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