Identification of t rends and determinants r elated to the level of earnings in Poland on the basis of a verage r eal w ages p aid over the p eriod 2004 - 2014


  • Krzysztof Jankowski



 Aim: The aim of this article is to identify trends and determinants related to the development of the
level of wages in Poland. The issue is important as the level of payment received by employees in
return for their work is reflects the state of economic development.
Design / Research methods: In the article data of average wages in Poland available in the Social
Insurance Institution as well as the Central Statistical Office are presented and analyzed.
Conclusions / findings: During the researched period (2004-2014), average real wage has
systematically increased. This is a positive phenomenon, both from the point of view of an individual
worker as well as the whole economy, as it indicates continued economic development of in Poland.


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* praca zbiorowa





