Dimensions and Components of Job Satisfaction in the Light of Selected Concepts and Research Perspectives


  • Grzegorz Wudarzewski Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa. Instytut Zarządzania i Marketingu




job satisfaction, conceptual perspective, research perspective, components of job satisfaction, dimensions of job satisfaction


The paper contains a review of selected conceptual and research perspectives of "job satisfaction" category on the basis  of scientific achievements developed in the last few decades, consisting of both scientific publications, questionnaires and surveys tested and verified in practice. On this basis it identifies the various ways of understanding job satisfaction in the context of research and diagnostic studied in three approaches most extensively and most often cited in the literature: cognitive, emotional, and process one. Then, potential components of satisfaction were grouped by assigning them to the corresponding dimensions, creating a list of modules that allows a flexible selection of components of job satisfaction. The author's suggestions are open, contractual and flexible.


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