
  • Mirosław Dytczak AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
  • Grzegorz Ginda Pracownia Zastosowań Metod Wielokryterialnych Wydział Zarządzania AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza



DEMATEL, development, application, weighting, ranking


DEMATEL is an efficient tool for the identification of cause-effect relations which link the objects considered. A dynamical development of its popularity in recent years has resulted in numerous efforts to eliminate its weaknesses and to extend its application potential. For example, one of the attempts involved transforming  it into a universal decision-making support tool aimed at weighting and ranking objects seamlessly. A critical review of the existing weighting and ranking extensions in DEMATEL is, therefore, presented in the paper. Conclusions about the usefulness of the available extensions have been drawn based on the results of an exemplary analysis.


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