Applicability of QFD Method to the Design of Recreation Services


  • Anna Szeliga-Kowalczyk WSB Wrocław
  • Anna Łabaza WSB Wrocław



rekreacja, usługa, jakość, projektowanie, klient, doskonalenie, funkcja jakości, QFD


The purpose of the article is to present the applicability of QFD method to the design of recreation services. QFD method is an excellent tool for the design and preparation of service in the way that avoids inconsistency during its delivery, and it takes the customer's requirements into account. Using this method allows to obtain the customer's opinion before the service is provided, thereby allowing service providers to protect themselves from possible dissatisfaction and, consequently, claims and loss of the customer. The analysis of the subject literature and description of  the case study were used as a research method. So far, QFD method has been used mainly in the design of products and production processes. The possibilities of its application in services are very wide, and its usefulness in terms of potential benefits is very high. The first section of the article presents the specificity of recreation services, its characteristics and determinants of proper preparation, as well as the basic forms of providing these services.  The second section concerns the characteristics and a detailed description of QFD method.  The third one presents a practical example of using this method in the design of the selected  recreation service.


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