Credibility of financial statements against fair value
qualitative characteristics of financial statements, credibility, fair value, estimated valuesAbstract
Financial accounts-creating within the confines of accountancy-are made according to particular rules, with preservation of appointed qualitative features. This aspiration is to prepare information, which will be useful for receiver of this report-useful information is that, which is reliable. Moreover it should be emphasized that in economic practice there are a lot of doubts connected with credibility- in case, when International Standards of Accountancy accept presentation of estimated value in financial accounts and when more often the rule of safe pricing is less important than pricing of appropriate value. The main purpose of this article is to point how tendencies occurring in contemporary accountancy influence problems of assurance accountancy information which new qualitative features gave voice . This article shows that evaluating conditions of management, change of accountancy from retrospective to prospective have influence on value of attributes which make useful information in communication system of accountancy.References
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