The project of the international logistics center in the free economics zone Sughd – Tajikistan


  • Jarosław Kłosowski
  • Jerzy Dudek Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu



logistics centres, Tajikistan, regional development


In this article, the issue of the creation of logistics centres and their influence on sustainable development of regions and countries where they are located will be discussed. European experience shows that this type of investment requires support from national and local governments (in accordance with principles of Public Private Partnerships), by way of including them in their development strategies as well as the creation of stable conditions for potential domestic and foreign logistic operators. In this article, the example of Tajikistan, which can be characterized as an emerging economy, is discussed. Basic economic indicators and conditions for the operation of Free Economic Zones (FEZ) are presented, while the influence of the development of an international logistics centre on regional development is assessed on the example of the Sughd FEZ.


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