The effects of innovative solutions implemented in the supply chain of the public postal operator in Poland


  • Teresa Gądek-Hawlena Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
  • Marek Wróbel



innovation, public postal operator, postal logistic chain


Transformations on the postal market that have occurred since the end of the 1990s extorted Poczta Polska S.A. from implementation of changes in many areas of its activity. The purpose of these transformations is to adapt to new legal requirements, technical and technological changes and to cope with the growing competition within the postal market. Factors playing an essential role with regard to the above are initiatives taken and innovations implemented in the postal logistic chain, without which the postal operator could not operate and which contribute to the diversification of provided services. The purpose of this article is to present and assess the changes in the postal created and implemented by Poczta Polska.


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