Tourist Centres in the Sudetes as Local Labour Markets
tourist centres, local labour markets, tourism, small towns, the SudetesAbstract
The main subject of this paper is to analyse the influence of tourism on local economies of small towns functioning as tourist centres. The analysis was carried out on the example of 8 small towns in Lower Silesia (Duszniki Zdrój, Karpacz, Kudowa Zdrój, Lądek Zdrój, Polanica Zdrój, Szczawno Zdrój, Szklarska Poręba and Świeradów Zdrój). The mentioned tourist centres have great economic potential, but their economies are based on large amount of small and very small business entities from the service branch. The specificity of local labour markets in the case of tourist centres can be described by stability of the labour market in the range of the number of workers, marked significance of exogenous functions, advantage of the number of job places over the number of dwelling places, and the existence of the local zones of intensive commuting to work, comprising few communes neighbouring the given town.References
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