The impact of the Regional Operational Programme for the Lower Silesia Voivodeship for 2007-2013 for the environment and infrastructure for environmental protection in the voivodeship


  • Bartosz Bartniczak Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki



Regional Operational Programme, environment, Lower Silesia Voivodeship


State of the environment and environmental infrastructure is one of the factors determining the quality of life of residents in a given territory. The main objective of the Regional Operational Programme for the Lower Silesia voivodeship for 2007-2013 was to increase the level of living in Lower Silesia, and to improve the competitiveness of the region while respecting the principles of sustainable development. Implementation of this objective was to be achieved through the implementation of the objectives assigned to individual priorities. The aim of the priority IV Environment and Ecological Safety was the improvement of the environment, preventing its degradation and conservation of biodiversity and natural assets of Lower Silesia, as well as the improvement of safety in the region through counteracting natural and technological risks and eliminating their effects and to support active in this range of emergency services. Objective of the study is to show how the implementation of projects funded under Priority IV contributed to improve the environment and infrastructure for environmental protection. For this purpose, will be compared with the results of completed projects statistics regarding the state of the environment and environmental infrastructure in the region. The analysis will be carried out in the various environmental components that correspond to the thematic focus of the various activities carried out under Priority IV. The analysis will therefore be conducted in the area of waste, water and wastewater management, air quality, flood protection infrastructure, restoration of degraded land, protect the environment from natural and technological risks and to protect biodiversity.


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