The tax liability of the LTD’ s managers acquiring sensitive goods
tax liability, the board of directors, proxyAbstract
The rule is that the limited liability company is represented by the Board of Directors. However, the law incidentally permits members of the Executive Board to transfer its powers (by way of civil actions) to a proxy. More often managerial contracts are concluded, where a third party (outside the management) represents the company to external parties. The proxy is a special example of power of attorney. The difference between a proxy and a member of the Executive Board in terms of rights and obligations is determined by the law on commercial enterprises, and has an impact on tax law. Since 1 January 2014, a proxy can be held also liable for lack of solvency in case of turnover of sensitive goods. The company is also liable for the tax liabilities resulting from unreliable accounting of VAT by suppliers. The article discussed a range of considerations regarding the nature of the proxy, the management of the company and third party liability for obligations of the limited liability company.References
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