spatial differentiation, cluster analysis, international migration, emigrationAbstract
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of some methods of grouping data in a spatial analysis of socio-economic phenomena on the example of the analysis of temporary emigration from Poland in the years 1989-2002. The study aimed at assessing spatial differentiation at a high level of detail, i.e. accounting for local differences. For temporary emigration, this kind of assessment was made possible by the results gathered by the National Census of Population in 2002.
The paper shows examples of analyses of mobility territorial differentiation, where selected optimization-iterative and hierarchical methods of grouping were applied. The elements in the grouping space were units of territorial division covering the following breakdowns: gmina (municipality), poviat (district) and sub-region.
During the socio-economic transition period following the year 1989 temporary emigration in Poland was a phenomenon which varied considerably in regional and local dimension, as has been confirmed by the findings of the studies conducted. A pronounced spatial dispersion was found not only in terms of its level and intensity, but also in terms of diversification of the demographic and social structure of the phenomenon. The application of the adopted methods of data classification made it possible to assess in detail the spatial differentiation of temporary emigration in Poland according to the breakdowns covering the minor, yet numerous, territorial units, as well as to visualize the results using map charts.
The temporal scope of the study was limited to the years 1989-2002 because of the nature of the source material used and a lack of comparable statistical data on the post-accession and contemporary emigration.References
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