The role of conversion rate level to the euro and a central rate against the euro in ERM II for the economy of Poland


  • Magdalena Maria Redo Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika



kurs walutowy, aprecjacja, deprecjacja, reżim kursowy, system stabilizacji kursów walutowych, unia walutowa


The aim of the study is to explain the differences between the conversion rate to the euro and a central rate against the euro in ERM II (European Exchange Rate Mechanism II), as well as the consequences of setting the conversion rate at different level. It also points to the conclusion from the experience of current members of the Eurozone in determining the central rate in ERM II and the conversion rate to the euro. The article is of educational nature because there is little studies in Polish literature which substantively treats the issue of the effects of adopting the euro depending on the level of conversion rate, and because public discussion about entering the Eurozone conducted in Poland is usually of political character.


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