The implementation of practical solutions in logistic processes in companies familiar with lean management by means of benchmarking methods


  • Agnieszka Piasecka-Głuszak Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu



benchmarking, lean management, company, waste


Benchmarking is a management method, which involves, among other things, improving the efficiency of an organization by identifying, analyzing, adapting and implementing solutions used by most effective organizations. Benchmarking has been successfully implemented in Polish enterprises. For several years there has been an increase in the importance of benchmarking, especially among companies possessing knowledge regarding implementing lean management. This article presents benchmarking as a management method, which allows eliminating waste and making better solutions in Polish enterprises. The article consists of two parts. The first part presents the theoretical concept of the nature, types, advantages and disadvantages of benchmarking, as well as the main waste which appear in the enterprise. The second part presents case studies of benchmarking, such as Xerox, but also four examples of companies in the Polish market in various industries (transportation logistics, manufacturing company, distribution company and company from the market of Transport Forwarding Logistics), that have implemented solutions perfecting logistic processes.


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