
  • Anna Błaczkowska The Wroclaw School of Banking



knowledge of junior high schools graduates, trend, classification, k-means


The aim of the article is to apply selected methods of econometrics (dynamic and spatial) for analysis and assessment of knowledge and skills of junior high schools graduates in the years 2002-2013. In particular, the objective of the analyses was to answer the following questions:

-        How did junior high school students cope with the tasks and issues contained in the exam in the part concerned with mathematics and natural sciences as well as in the humanities part in subsequent years?

-        Are there any differences in the results obtained in the exams in the sub-periods of the twelve years under discussion?

-        Are there any differences in the exam results in the individual sub-periods between voivodships and the parts of the exam?

In the analyses, data were used obtained from Student Achievement Analysis Team operating at the Institute for Educational Research[1] which made it possible not only to assess the dynamic changes in the graduates’ exam scores but also to conduct their spatial analysis by voivodships. Linear trend was used for the dynamics analysis, whereas for the studies of spatial changes, the k-means classification method was employed.

The analysis showed certain regularities present in the scores achieved by the junior high school graduates:

-        There was a systematic decline in the graduates’ performance in mathematics and natural sciences in all voivodships in the period under study.

-        The division of the years 2002-2013 into three periods – good, medium and poor results of junior high school graduates – had no clear impact on the diversification amongst voivodships.

-        Students from the voivodships of south-eastern Poland achieved better exam scores in mathematics and natural sciences, and humanities.

The analysis has cognitive and applicative value. It can be used by local governments in their decision-making process relating to the improvement of the quality of educational services at the junior high school level.

[1] [accessed on 20.09.2015]


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